He Knew All The Words

Archive for June, 2011

Bravo, New York. Bravo, Governor Cuomo.

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Written by David Zaza

June 25th, 2011 at 2:39 am

Posted in Uncategorized

Evolve Already [UPDATE below the video]

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The folks over at GetEqual used one of my tweets in a video pushing for President Obama to come out in favor of marriage equality. The last few days have seen a serious increase of pressure on the president, because of his previous statements about his views “evolving.” His arrival here in NYC today just as the Republican-controlled State Senate is turning itself into a pretzel trying to decide whether to vote on the marriage bill is causing a good number of his supports to push him harder. At the beginning of his term he asked us to hold his feet to the fire. Well, we are. The Advocate has a report on some US Senators calling on the president to get on the right side of history on the marriage question. And there will be a protest rally outside of his fundraiser tonight. I have no illusions that he’ll change his official view or announce anything new tonight. But it’s good to see the pressure build.

My tweet comes onscreen just after the 20-second mark of this video. And now the waiting for the State Senate continues….


Okay, so how’s June 23, 2011 gonna turn out? Let’s see what’s happened so far:
1. President Obama addresses an LGBT fundraiser and repeats everything he’s ever said — he understands our impatience, we deserve equal rights under the law, blah blah blah. Nothing new at all. He acknowledges the fight for marriage equality currently going on in Albany — and doesn’t even say he hopes we win. Then I see this tweet from a Huffington Post reporter:

You’ve got to be fucking kidding me.

2. Defense Secretary Gates delivers some LGBT news. He will NOT be certifying the repeal of DADT by the end of the month, when he steps down from his post. Incoming Def Sec Panetta has not given any indication of when certification might happen.

3. We are in a holding pattern, waiting for REPUBLICANS in the New York State Senate to bless us with our god-given rights. A vote may come tonight. It may not. If it does, it may pass. It may not. We’re relying on Republicans here, so, you know, you do the math…. Here’s hoping they prove me wrong.

Written by David Zaza

June 23rd, 2011 at 4:12 pm